Friday, December 14, 2018

Who Let the Dogs Out?

......................... We did!
In Andrew Clements' book, Dogku, he writes:
An idea knocks:
I open, think, and smile.
And then it's your turn.
This dog-gone, charming book is written in traditional Japanese haiku form. Each three line poem has 17 syllables, written in a 5-7-5 syllable count.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Apps in 3rd Grade

Curious about the apps we use in 1st grade this year?  Check out the list below of the apps used in special area classes, math, language arts, and social studies!  

Monday, December 3, 2018

3D Printing

This month students explored the TinkerCAD design program and the parts of our XYZ 3D printer.  We explored merging 3D shapes together to make other 3D shapes.  Soon, we will begin designing our our cartouches! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Hello Everyone,
I just had to share these photos from our lesson on Traits. We were talking about, thinking of, and searching for examples of acquired traits- like a scar or a knot in a tree. This is in contrast to an inherited trait; having feathers, brown hair, or freckles.  In 3rd grade science class, we are noticing that our Wisconsin Fast Plant seem to grow better with some traits compared to others. Many more of our second generation plants are without small hairs compared to the first generation.  I wonder if that trait is dominant? 

All the best,
Noah Robinson

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Art_Trip to the BMA

The fourth graders enjoyed a special trip to the BMA to look at all kinds of African Art. We had excellent docents and a welcome visit from the Director, Chris Bedford, himself! He told the girls about the importance of collecting art from around the world and having FREE admission to make art accessible for all. The girls took notes in their art sketchbooks looking at objects, designs, and various uses of natural resources from the regions. Ask your daughter what she learned about the people and the places in Africa from their art!

We also saw the work of Mark Bradford in the contemporary wing. His large sculptural forms and huge paintings inspired many of our young artists. Here is the write up of his "Cosmic Paintings". 

French Breakfast

The girls did a great job ordering room service in Paris today.  Here they are enjoying their breakfast in their pajamas. 

Art_Paper Flowers

The third graders are designing 3D paper flowers. They are using the flower anatomy they learned in science and inspiration from Georgia O'Keeffe to create realistic flowing natural forms. They first made prototypes out of computer paper and masking tape. Then, they translated their ideas to watercolor paper and glue. They wet the watercolor paper to mold it and used glue to attach the petals, stamen, pistils and ovule. Their designs compete with nature for sure!

Here are some examples of the prototypes:

Monday, November 19, 2018

French Breakfast

The girls are so excited about their French breakfast but unfortunately we have had to postpone it because of the snow day.  The girls will have their French breakfast on Tuesday November 27th.  Here is the dialogue that they are working on memorizing so that they can order breakfast.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Winter Concert - please read!

'Tis the season for music concerts! 

All Third Graders will share their performance with families on Tuesday, December 18. The concert begins at 9:30 am in Centennial Hall. 

Because we will have rehearsals in Centennial Hall, please avoid scheduling any appointments on Friday, Dec 14 and Monday, December 17. We need every student in this team effort!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Google Classroom, Google Drive, NewsELA

This month, 3rd graders learned how to use two new apps:  Google Classroom and NewsELA.  They reviewed how the app Google Drive.  Students enjoyed looking back in their digital portfolios in Google Drive!  Your daughter can access all of these from home using her BMS credentials.

Username: last name first
     Example:  Alisha Caruso

Password:  Daisy_ _ _ _ (four digit birthday - month and day)
     Example:  August 8 is Daisy0808

Sunday, November 4, 2018