Wednesday, October 31, 2018

French: Bonjour from Paris

We have landed safely in Paris and the girls are having a wonderful time exploring the monuments.  This week they are touring Paris with the help of augmented reality technology.  The girls can explore using 360 degree pictures and get an up-close view of the important sites.  Here is a video of our flight to Paris and one of the girls touring the monuments.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Third graders have been improvising in many ways! We've played melodic improvisations on the barred instruments and clapped rhythmic improvisations using duple meter rhythm building blocks. This time, girls were arranging vegetable rhythms to make their own.

Click on the link to see a video of the girls in action!

Vegetable Improvisation Video

Friday, October 19, 2018

Art_One Point Perspective Collages

The girls are negotiating angles and shapes and really small pieces of paper. They are testing their patience and organization skills as well as demonstrating their new understanding of one point perspective (diagonals that reach back to the vanishing point to show space on a picture plane). Here's what that looks like in action!

Monday, October 8, 2018

All Smiles

Thumbs-up for third grade! 

The girls are on top of the world being 
with their friends. 

There's always a reason to smile!

Being with new classmates at recess is still the best.

Together we will learn, laugh, and grow.

We are the Bryn Mawr Class of 2028!

Making our own rhythms

Third graders have been working together to compose 16 beat rhythmic phrases. Next, they chose instruments to use to play their rhythms. Here they are hard at work!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fire Safety

We had a visit from the Baltimore City Fire Department today for our assembly.  They talked about fire safety and let the girls explore the fire truck.

From the Library

Third graders started off the year with a couple of chapters from Mysteries according to Humphrey by Betty Birney. In keeping with the third grade theme of mystery, students in Mrs. Brisbane's class, along with readers, had to use clues to figure out the meaning of "piewhack". This word was a little piewhacking at first, but with enough clues we all got it.

Cover image

We then jumped into Kate DiCamillo's Bink and Gollie series which prompted discussions about friendship, compromise, interesting items to collect and whether fish can long for things.

Cover image

This week we are reading The Hard Times Jar by John Holyfield. How many third graders have ever moved? been the new kid in school? had to watch a younger sibling? picked apples? written a book?

Cover image

Girls in grades 3-5 are taking the Bottom Shelf Challenge. They have chosen or will soon choose a book from the lonely bottom shelves of the fiction and non-fiction sections of the library, and read it before the end of the month. We are discovering that there are some great books on the bottom shelves!

Hello From Science - What's Your Trait?

Hello From the Science Center,
Third Graders have successfully grown and pollinated their Wisconsin Fast Plants. These plants are engineered to go from seed to seedpod in under 40 days. We are almost ready to collect seeds and plant again. Each third grade class was given seeds with slightly different inherited traits. One class grew Fast Plants with a fuzz-like hair, while the other's are bare. We are excited to see the results of our cross-pollination. Will our harvested seeds produce plants with or without this trait? Student have also become experts in acquired traits. They demonstrated this knowledge by crafting a story describing a trait they possess that was not inherited, but acquired.
Here are some photos of our Fast Plants in the very bright light set up. Next a few where the students are carefully pollinating them with bee-sticks or pollination wands.

Very Best,
Mr. Noah Robinson